The Common Blue Grass Butterfly, also known as the Zizina labradus, is a small and delicate butterfly species that can be found in various parts of Europe, North Africa, Asia and Australia. It belongs to the family Lycaenidae and is one of the most widespread and abundant butterflies in its range.
This butterfly species is characterized by its beautiful blue coloration on the upper side of its wings, which gives it its common name. However, the shade of blue can vary from light to a deep and vibrant hue, depending on geographical location and gender. The males typically have a brighter blue color compared to the females, who tend to have a more subdued tone.
The wingspan of the Common Blue Grass Butterfly ranges from 25 to 38 millimeters, making it relatively small in size. Its wings are adorned with intricate patterns of black spots, which provide a striking contrast against the vibrant blue background. The underside of the wings is a pale grayish color with black spots, providing camouflage and protection from predators when the butterfly rests or feeds on flowers.
In terms of behavior, these butterflies are known to be active during sunny and warm weather, typically from spring to late summer. They are often seen flying low to the ground in grassy and meadow habitats, hence their name. The Common Blue Grass Butterfly feeds on nectar from a variety of flowers, particularly those with open shapes, such as thistles and clovers.
The lifecycle of this butterfly follows the typical stages of egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa, and adult. The female lays her eggs on the undersides of leaves, usually near the host plants that will provide food for the caterpillars. The caterpillars have a greenish color with white stripes and feed primarily on legumes, such as clovers and vetches. The pupa stage takes place in a sheltered area, and after a few weeks, the adult butterfly emerges, ready to continue its lifecycle.
Overall, the Common Blue Grass Butterfly is a beautiful and common sight in many grasslands and meadows. Its vibrant blue coloration and graceful flight make it a delightful addition to the natural landscape.