Feb 27, 2021

Geometrid moth (Crypsiphona ocultaria)


The Geometrid moth, (Crypsiphona ocultaria), of the family Geometridae, is one of the most common moths found in Australia. As larvae they are green and feed on eucalypt leaves. When threatened the grub stands still, pretending to be a stick.

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1/200 - f/9 - ISO200 - diffused flash

Feb 26, 2021

Passionvine hopper (Scolypopa australis)


Passionvine hopper, (Scolypopa australis), is native to Australia and has been introduced to New Zealand. Despite its name, they are found not only on passion vines, but on many plant species, including kiwifruit and the lantana. They are brown with partly transparent wings, about 5–6 mm long as adults and 4-5 mm as nymphs.

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1/200 - f/8 - ISO100 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 25, 2021

Barred Skipper (Dispar compacta) Butterfly


The Barred Skipper, (Dispar compacta), butterfly is a small type of "skipper". The adult butterfly is brown, with a few white and yellow markings on the wings. It has a wingspan of about 45 - 50 mm. The Barred Skipper is found mainly along the eastern side of mainland Australia.

1/100 - f/7.1 - ISO400 - macro

Feb 24, 2021

Fruit Fly (f. Tephritidae)


A major agricultural problem for fruit growers in Australia is Fruit fly, (f. Tephritidae). These flies inhabit fruits and vegetables to which they cause severe destruction and degradation. There are strict border controls in place for the transport of fruit across state borders in Australia.

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Feb 23, 2021

Ladybird Beetle (Coccinella transversalis)


The common spotted ladybird, (Coccinella transversalis), is bright orange with black dots on its back. They're voracious predators of aphids, scale insects and mites. Ladybirds are very common in gardens all around Australia.

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Feb 22, 2021

Fringe Lily (Thysanotus patersonii)


There are many native wildflowers in Australia. The Fringe Lily, (Thysanotus patersonii), is among the more common, they produce purple flowers between July and November across southern Australian states.

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1/125 - f/5.6 - ISO200

Feb 21, 2021

Thread-legged bug (Stenolemus bituberus)


One of the strangest, yet most interesting insects I've ever encountered. A Thread-legged bug, (Stenolemus bituberus), spends almost it's entire life in spider webs and feeds mainly on spiders, moving from one web to the next, devouring the web creator.

1/200 - f/8 - ISO100 - macro

Feb 20, 2021

Orange Rose in full bloom


Roses do not bloom hurriedly, for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.

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1/200 - f/11 - ISO200

Feb 19, 2021

Ghost Moth (Elhamma australasiae)


Macro close-up of a Ghost Moth, (Elhamma australasiae), from the family Hepialidae, also known as Swift Moths. There are about 150 species found in Australia. These moths fly in late summer and Autumn into early winter. They sometimes emerge on mass after rains.

1/200 - f/9 - ISO200 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 18, 2021

White-tailed spider (Lampona cylindrata)


White-tailed spider (Lampona cylindrata)

The White-tailed spider (Lampona cylindrata) is a moderate-sized arachnid native to Australia. Despite its name, it is primarily recognized by the cream or gray coloration of its abdomen, which features a distinctive white spot at the tip, rather than the color of its limbs. Measuring around 1.5 centimeters in length, the White-tailed spider possesses a slender body and long legs, which aid in its rapid movement.

A distinguishing feature of the White-tailed spider is its prominent jaws or chelicerae, which contain venom glands. These spiders are known for their unique hunting technique, whereby they actively search for prey instead of relying on webs to catch their food. Although they primarily feast on other insects, they have been known to occasionally prey on other spiders as well.

Habitat-wise, White-tailed spiders are commonly found in both urban areas and natural environments throughout Australia. They tend to favor dark and moist sheltered areas, such as under bark, rocks, or inside homes. While usually avoiding direct contact with humans, these spiders have gained notoriety due to their potential for biting humans if they feel threatened or trapped.

The venom of the White-tailed spider can cause localized reactions in humans, such as pain, swelling, and itchiness. However, severe cases resulting in necrotic lesions or ulcers have been a topic of debate among experts, as the association between these symptoms and White-tailed spider bites remains inconclusive.

1/200 - f/9 - ISO200 - macro - flash

Feb 17, 2021

Charles De Gaulle Rose


The tiny dropplets of early morning dew glittering on the petals in this close-up of a Charles De Gaulle rose, taken with a telephoto lens.

1/1600 - f/5.6 - ISO200 - 135mm

Feb 16, 2021

Plum Tree Blossom


Plum tree blossom shot with a macro lens and a small amount of flash. The relatively fast shutter speed and small apeture produces a dark background, while the flash lights the white blossom.

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1/200 - f/10 - ISO200 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 14, 2021

Female Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasseltii)


female Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasseltii)

The female Redback Spider, scientifically known as Latrodectus hasseltii, is an intriguing arachnid that captures attention with its distinctive appearance and potent venom. This iconic spider species belongs to the larger Black Widow family and is renowned for its striking red or orange hourglass-shaped marking on its jet-black abdomen.

Measuring around 1 centimeter in length, the female Redback Spider displays a robust and compact build, while showcasing a uniquely glossy and smooth exoskeleton. Its eight long, slender legs are equipped with tiny hairs that aid in sensory perception and assist in capturing prey. This spider is distinguished by its often motionless posture, typically adopting an inverted position, hanging from its irregular, funnel-shaped, silk web.

Perhaps the most prominent aspect of the female Redback Spider is her venomous fangs. Despite their size, these chelicerae are capable of delivering a powerful bite that injects a neurotoxic venom into its prey or potential threats. This venom contains a potent enzyme that hampers the normal functioning of the victim's nervous system, causing paralysis and eventual death. While the bite of a female Redback Spider can be extremely painful and dangerous to humans, fatalities are rare due to the availability of antivenom.

Females of this species exhibit sexual dimorphism, displaying stark differences when compared to their male counterparts. While the female possesses the captivating red or orange hourglass-shaped marking, males are considerably smaller, measuring only a few millimeters in length, and typically feature a stripe or markings on their abdomen.

The female Redback Spider is a sedentary creature, primarily residing in sheltered locations such as under rocks, logs, or in dark crevices. Building small, tangled webs with the purpose of capturing various insects, including beetles, moths, and flies, this arachnid ensnares its prey with remarkable speed and precision, securely wrapping them in silk before delivering a lethal bite.

With its striking appearance and venomous nature, the female Redback Spider keeps a careful balance between danger and fascination. Its presence is undoubtedly a reminder of the vast diversity found in the animal kingdom and the intricate adaptations that have evolved over millions of years.

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1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 12, 2021

Salticidae Jumping spider


Jumping spiders are fun to photograph. They always look at the camera, as if they are posing. This jumping Spider, (Salticidae sp.), is about 4-5mm, so quite small and definetly required a macro lens.

1/200 - f/8 - ISO100 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 11, 2021

Common European Wasp


A European Wasp, (Vespula vulgaris), perched on a piece of Eucalyptus bark. Also known as the common wasp, is found all over Australia and has a nasty sting.

1/200 - f/11 - ISO200 - diffused flash - 55mm

Feb 10, 2021

Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)


Don't let the cuteness fool you, the Brown Rat, (Rattus norvegicus), is a domectic and commercial pest and properties can become over run with these little destructors if not controlled. But, looks good in a photo, hey.

1/125 - f/5.6 - ISO400 - 135mm

Feb 9, 2021

Australian Bush Cockroach


Macrophotography close up of an Australian Bush Cockroach, (Periplaneta australasiae). Unlike other cockroaches, such as the more common brown American cockroach, (Periplaneta americana), the Australian bush cockroach isn't an "indoors" pest.

1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - macro - diffused flash

Feb 8, 2021

Wolf Spider (Lycosa sp.)


There are many different species of wolf spider, which are so named because they actively hunt and run down their prey. The most common species found in our area is (Lycosa sp.), which ranges from light to dark brown or in colour with black, grey or brown markings.

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Feb 7, 2021

Pink Bellied Moth (Oenochroma vinaria)


Although moths are known to appear at night, attracted to bright lights, they can also be found resting during the day in various places. The Pink Bellied moth, (Oenochroma vinaria), is common all over Australia. This one was resting on a Hebe bush early morning.

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1/250 - f/8 - ISO400 - external flash and reflector

Feb 6, 2021

Slender Ringtail


The Odonata are an order of flying insects that includes the dragonflies and damselflies. The Slender Ringtail, (Austrolestes analis), is active through Spring to Autumn in most southern parts of Australia.

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1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - diffused flash - macro

Feb 5, 2021

Grapevine Moth Caterpillar (Phalaenoides glycinae)


Many caterpillars are found in gardens, some rarer than others. This one is the caterpillar of the Grapevine Moth, (Phalaenoides glycinae), which I discovered on the leaf of a Fuchsia.

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1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - diffused flash

Feb 4, 2021

Garden Orb Weaver (Eriophora transmarina)


The Garden Orb Weaver Spider, (Eriophora transmarina), has many colour variations and can be found in many parts of Australia, including suburban gardens. This specimen was repairing it's web after your's truly accidently walked into it.

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1/200 - f/10 - ISO200 - diffused flash

Feb 3, 2021

Green Grocer


The Green Grocer, (Cyclochila australasiae), is a species of cicada and one of Australia's most familiar insects. The Green Grocer is one of the loudest insects in the world.

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1/250 - f/8 - ISO200

Tiny Arachnid


Many spiders are so small they are barely noticed. This tiny arachnid, (Uloboris barbipes), is around 5-6mm total length and has quite an elaborate web covering a large area.

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1/200 - f/11 - ISO100 - diffused flash - macro

Feb 2, 2021

False Garden Mantis


The False garden Mantis, (Pseudomantis albofimbriata), is one of the most common species of mantis in Australia and are either green or brown but rarely may come in other colours. Females have short wings that only cover half of the abdomen, whereas Males have wings that cover the full length of the abdomen.

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1/200 - f/11 - ISO100 - diffused flash -  macro

Feb 1, 2021

Plant Hoppers


These small insects are known as "hoppers". They are, from left, Passion Vine hopper (Scolypopa australis), Green Flatidae Planthopper  (Siphanta acuta) and Grey planthopper (Anzora unicolor).

1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - macro

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