One of the serious problems for rose growers,an infestation of Aphids, (Aphidoidea).
1/200 - f/11 - ISO200 - diffused flash - reversed 55mm
Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
One of the serious problems for rose growers,an infestation of Aphids, (Aphidoidea).
1/200 - f/11 - ISO200 - diffused flash - reversed 55mm
These large Drone flies, (Eristalis tenax), are often mistaken for bees, but are easily distinguished by their larger size and eyes. It is the most widely distributed syrphid species in the world, and is known from all regions except the Antarctic.
1/200 - f/9 - ISO200 - +10 close-up filter
There are many species of orb weaving spiders. The Australian Garden Orb Weaver, (Eriophora transmarina), is the most common in Australia, ranging in colour from off-white through tan, brown to almost black.
1/200 - f/8 - ISO200
The Common garden Skink, (Lampropholis guichenoti), is a species of small common skink endemic to Australia.
1/640 - f/5.6 - ISO200 - 200mm
Common brown Butterfly, (Heteronympha merope), basking in the sun on the leaf of a eucalyptus tree.
1/500 - f/8 - ISO400 - 135mm
Karl Lagerfeld
Getting a decent shot of a snail means lying on the ground. This common garden snail, (Helix aspersa), was crawling along concrete pavement, which made taking the photo a little easier.
1/60 - f/5.6 - ISO200 - diffused flash
After a rain shower, raindrops make an interesting subject. Here, the raindrops have beaded on the leaves of a rose bush.
1/125 - f/10 - ISO200
Photographing bees around the garden is a favourite past time. This European honey bee, (Apis mellifera), is collecting pollen from the flower head of mint.
1/800 - f/6.3 - ISO200 - +4 closeup filter
Searching around the garden today I found this Wood Louse Eating spider, (Dysdera crocata), under an old piece of timber. As I understand it, this is a female that has created a nursery web to lay her eggs.
1/200 - f/9 - ISO100 - +4 closeup filter - difused flash